Gender and leadership issues constitute a major part of organizations cultural norm that determines not just the behaviour of the people but their performance as well. This course provides one of the practical methods of ensuring that gender, leadership and work ethics can combine to improve performance and organizational culture to increase productivity and interpersonal cohesion. The programme equips participants with a systematic approach to improving organizational efficiency and output quality by learning to appreciate diversity and gender related roles and good work ethics thereby becoming improving the team spirit at the work place.
By the end of the Course participants will be able to:
- Explain the concept and essence of work ethics
- Explain work standards and Gender related issues
- Apply globally accepted work standards to their work
- Develop the right ethical attitudes for work
Who Should Attend
- SME operators and individual Entrepreneurs
- Admin Managers
- Operations Managers
- Executive Assistants
- People in Management positions
- Business Development Managers
- Heads of Department
- Project Team Leaders
- Senior Secretaries and Office Managers