Managers and Supervisors strive to get the best out of their subordinates in order to improve upon the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness as well as achieve its objectives and goals. A continuous process of performance management which is put in place by organizations clarifies the level of performance required to meet their strategic objectives. This is converted into units and individual objectives and managed continually to achieve the strategic objectives and goals of the organization.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Develop basic skills necessary to implement their performance management and assessing staff performance
- Appreciate the methodology for conducting an appraisal interview and discussion for effective results
- Understand the problems, pitfalls and prejudices in performance management and appraisal
- Appreciate the need to institutionalize performance management and staff performance appraisal systems
Who Should Attend
- SME operators and individual Entrepreneurs
- Admin Managers
- Operations Managers
- Executive Assistants
- People in Management positions
- Business Development Managers
- Heads of Department
- Project Team Leaders
- Senior Secretaries and Office Managers