Three things to master as you open your business

March 24, 2022    0 comment

Last week, we shared some thoughts with you on how to actualise your business idea. It became necessary after interacting with so many people who have good ideas but fail to actualise them for one reason or another.

Building on that article, here are other key skills you need to master in order to attract people to be part of your dream. These people include employees, customers, suppliers and partners.


This tops the list of skills that every entrepreneur must master to succeed in business. It is critical to be a good communicator because you will be required to explain your concepts and ideas and convince others to be part of your team.

As explained in this article, the communicator should judge when and how to communicate. Some communications should always be held in person while others can be carried out by email or text.

“Performance reviews, corrective feedback and conflict resolution are often highly sensitive conversations, and the potential for misunderstanding is too high to risk holding these conversations remotely.”

Effective communicative skills are an you need for now and the future.

Setting priorities

Achieving anything in entrepreneurship is down to clarity in planning.

Throughout the life of a business, structures need to be built, systems will have to be put in place to sustain the business for many years. It is therefore important to know what to do at every stage.

For instance, you need to build management and growth structures at the beginning. So, building a team that will foster a healthy work culture or hiring creative staff with the company at heart should be a priority.

As your business grows and the team expands, there will be many distractions along the way. At this stage, there is the tendency for many organisations to engage in endless and fruitless meetings, prioritising less critical tasks.

Here, your ability to prioritise core aspects of the business is key.

Managing change

Business is like life. It begins as an infant, develops into a youth and continues to grow. Being aware and embracing all these changes is a skill you need to acquire There will be changes in how employees want to be treated or changes in their skill sets, customer culture, changes in the economy or new trends in the products and services that your company offers.

Ignoring all these amidst rapid changes brought about by technology, and consumer behaviours mean that your company would compromise your efficiency. You will be overtaken by competition or fail to grow all together.

As you open that business, have an open mind to change and accept the good ones that will propel your business to the next level.

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