Basic customer care training requires active listening, meeting customer expectations, and managing stress. The three types of basic customer care training are:
Telephone interaction – Focuses on appropriate use of language, voice fluctuation, and conversation etiquette.
Face to face interaction – Deals with body language, dress code, positive relations and attitudes.
Digital interaction – Training which more businesses are utilizing and reaching out to customers by offering online chats and Skype.
Organizations lag behind if they do not recognize this basic principle of customer importance. To win customers, organizations need to delight them through the above means. Managing the needs of customers is very crucial to organizational competence, growth and spirit. Making the customer first in any organization’s operations is relevant to the organization’s area of business. Customer care is therefore a key area to pay attention to in the effort to encourage repeat customers towards the organization’s growth.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate how to warmly welcome customers/clients to their organizations and apply the right eye contact
- Demonstrate how to listen attentively and correctly respond to issues arising and the ability to be a good telephone and skyping conversationalist
- Apply the principle of good writing and computer interaction with customers.
- Apply the principles of keeping promises made to customers
- Introduce Customer Relation Concepts, Drivers and measure customer value in their organization.
- Define who a customer is and identify the types of customers
- Recognize good Customer Care/Service and welcome complaints
- Take steps to enhance the reputation of your organization and win customer loyalty through best practices
- Create and maintain a professional Customer-led image
- Learn how to develop customer empathy