The untold realities of life: what we all should have known before age 20 (part two)

July 23, 2020    0 comment

In our last article, we detailed Derrick’s career journey, which, by all measures, started on a good note.

He, however, lost what seemed to be a bright career just in seven years because he lacked guidance on matters concerning real life. We do not wish you to lose out on your dream when you can learn from the experiences of others as we share them with you.

We follow on our promise made in the previous article and deliver to you the next set of seven insights about life that you should have known before the age of 20.

  1. My Relationships

Africa abounds in proverbs and one of them says that when you live near an anthill, you eventually take its colour. Translate it into real life, and you’ll observe this truth; that we eventually become like the people we surround ourselves with.

Neuroscientist Moran Cerf, who studies decision-making, confirms this analogy.

“The more we study engagement, we see time and again that just being next to certain people aligns your brain with theirs,” as quoted by Business Insider.

“This means the people you hang out with, actually have an impact on your engagement with reality beyond what you can explain. And one of the effects is you become alike,” he adds.

By age 20, you should know that in choosing the kind of business or professional networks you belong to, you need to be deliberate, and choose those that add value to you.

Always remember what Emmanuel Dei-Tumi, president Human Capital International says in his book: What I Wish I knew Before the Age 20 that: “in life, you are likely to come into contact with people who will either multiply, add, divide or subtract from your effort,” The decision on whom to surround yourself and eventually become like them is always yours.

  1. Purpose in life

Many people desire to live a purposeful life; one in which they make daily strides to attain big goals that set them apart. In reality, however, very few are willing to pay the price to live that purposeful existence.

Related article: The untold realities of life: what we all should have known before age 20 (part one).

Living a purposeful life is all about having the courage to pursue your dreams regardless of the current distractions. Find out, for instance, that one thing that makes you excited in life and you commit to doing it, despite the challenges- real or anticipated. Is it helping others, adventure, entrepreneurship, or being an excellent employee?

You should discover your purpose in life at an early age, and pursue it to the end.  According to Robin Sharma in his book: The Leader Who Had No Title, “every person was created with vast amounts of potential to pursue [a purpose in life] and that potential is dormant and little-used within the vast majority of us”

“But it is there—available to anyone who wants to search it out and then activate it. This is power in its most real form,” he says.

Dei-Tumi concurs in his book mentioned above, and writes: “The world always has space for those who know what they can give to the world,”

Pursue a purposeful life. After all, when you live a programmed life, you have higher chances of having a longer life, according to a report in the February/March 2016 Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioural Medicine.

  1. About knowledge

The late American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, once said that: ”if money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability,”

Although he said this many years ago, knowledge should remain the single most important asset for one to pursue. With knowledge, you can make better decisions in life, and as well come up with innovations that solve problems and impact the world for generations to come.

And in the digital world we are living in today, every person should seek to be a lifelong learner because what you knew yesterday, is actually expiring today.

Author Dei-Tumi summarises knowledge as an important asset in these words- “to learn is not to have; it is to be,”

The easiest way to acquire knowledge is through reading books, research, and by surrounding yourself with knowledgeable people.

  1. Attitude

Your attitude determines how far you will go in life. It is attitude that forms our behaviours and worldviews.

A positive attitude towards life leads to success in life and vice versa.  In the same way, a bad attitude is like a flat tyre, you can’t go far with it if you don’t change it.

“My approach to life on a day to day basis is determined by my attitude. It is my attitude, more than my aptitude that determines my altitude in life,” Dei-Tumi quotes this popular saying.

Therefore, if you want to be successful in life, develop a positive attitude.

Success is determined by attitude because attitude influences the little blocks, we mould every day that leads to building a successful life.

  1. About Time

Time is a key determinant in achieving any life dream. In the world of business for example, if you are to outperform your competitor, cut the time your products reach the market. In the career world, invest time in sharpening your skills relevant to your job and industry. Unfortunately, a majority of the people fritter their time on many things that do not add value to the attainment of their dreams.

This article will interest you: Four Signs You Are Becoming Irrelevant In Your Career.

A well-known saying states that a healthy body is in a healthy mind but how many people invest time in feeding their minds or exercising their bodies to stay healthy?

Time is a universal equaliser. It is available to everyone everywhere in the same measure.  How you use it to become a better person is entirely in your hands.

  1. About life

Another important insight to know before the age of 20 is about life itself.

First, you should know that life is a journey that has stages of success, failure, sadness, and happiness. It consists of principles, processes, and procedures. But whatever your response to any of these, is a reflection of who you are.

“You don’t get in life what you want: you get in life what you are,” Dei-Tumi says in his book.

To achieve any success in life, you must work extremely hard towards what you desire to have. Nothing in life is for free and the earlier you know this, the better. Life is like fingerprints. All of us have different paths to accomplish different purposes at different rates. There are no classmates in the real world. And you should aspire early to find your path and to follow it to the end.

  1. Decisions we make

Life is about making everyday decisions. Right from bed each morning, we start to decide how the day will be. However, it seems many people aren’t in charge of their day and therefore their lives. Many people make impulse decisions or based on what others decide for them, and as such, they have become prisoners of lives.

“We are not in charge of our lives until we are in charge of our decisions,” says Dei-Tumi.

As you grow in your field of operation, know that every decision you make has a direct effect on your life and that of those around you. The more you think deeply about the decisions you are going to make, and how they will affect you, and others, the better.

Our passion at Human Capital International is to see you rise like the star you were born to be.

Why not, then, sign up for this free webinar if you haven’t already done so? It is specially designed for you and aimed at helping you redirect your life into the path of success.