Are your networks helping your business & career to grow?

February 24, 2020    1 comment

What kind of business or professional networks do you belong to? Are your associations worth the name and time to keep?

Did you know that your net worth as a business or a professional, is determined by your networks? Are your networks adding value to you and your strategic objectives or derailing you from achieving them?

Networking is an intentional process of interacting and sharing ideas or information with an individual or group of individuals for mutual benefits. In this digital era, networking is very important and if you are to succeed at whatever you do, start to consider networking as an investment. And this is why;

Source of professional feedback. Businesses and professionals that have and will survive in this digital age, are those that listen to their clients to improve their services or products. What an opportunity you have if you belong to professional networks and they are able to give you this kind of feedback for you to improve on your services and products! Choose a network today that will add value to you.

Marketing and job opportunities. The easiest and surest way to reach and market your services and products is through networks. When you belong to a group, you are able to build relations and trust among potential clients and this makes marketing your products and services easier than someone who does not belong to that particular network. When you hear of companies spending millions of dollars or its equivalent in shillings for their staff to belong to clubs and associations like Rotary, Golf club, and professional bodies, among others, they do it because they treasure the power of networks. You too can invest in it today and thank me later for this advice.

Individual referrals. Closely related to the above, the moment people in a given network know about what you offer, they will refer you to potential clients which increases your business profile. Remember, the best marketing tool is by word of mouth. So, network and get those leads with the help of networking groups which in most cases are less expensive to maintain.

Connections earn you big. By now you should be knowing that in the world of business and in most cases employment arena, it is mostly all about who you know and not about what you know that matters.  If your desire is to move your business or career from one step to another, you have to develop connections with people who matter. And there is an opportunity that is being unveiled on Thursday 27, at the Sheraton Kampala hotel-the Second Strategic Leaders’ Summit where you will have an opportunity to mingle and grow your networks with the “who is who” in the business and policy making community.

The Summit, which will run under the theme: Digital Innovation & Corporate Governance for SMEs Growth in the New Market Frontier, will discuss among other things; the implication of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) to Small and Medium -Sized Enterprises (SMEs), how important technology is to your business and how SMEs can tap into Foreign Direct Investment.

Women in Corporate Leadership discussions will also feature prominently with a special networking session for all participants to crown it all. Human Capital International, the organisers of the Summit, know that your net worth, is determined by your network.

Click here to book your ticket and find out more at the Summit or call +256 778 889444 or +256 758 889444.